Open Bible Study. This is a tried and proven method for winning more souls for Christ. It was developed by Ivan Stewart and has been used in local work and on evangelistic campaigns. OBS has been succesfully used in numerous English speaking countries. It has also been translated into other languages.
OBS consists of materials and procedures for equipping soul-winners and soul-winning churches to effectively teach more people. While there are materials for effective office procedures and record keeping for prospects and contacts, the heart of the system is the actual study guides.
Any dedicated disciple of Jesus can learn to effectively reach the lost. The great thing about OBS is that the personal teacher is more of a facilitor than a “preacher.” The personal teacher does not need an exhaustive knowledge of the Scriptures.
How to use Open Bible Study by Ivan Stewart a tried and proven method for winning more souls for Christ. Presented by David Riley (Pastor at Mars Hill Church Of Christ) at the Downtown Church of Christ in Morrilton Arkansas. DVD copy aviliable by contacting the office at 501-354-2323. Play List Here