food pantry needs

Matthew 25:35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat,

Immediate Needs

Canned beans
Coffee cups
Ramen noodles

Thank you for all of your
They are greatly
Appreciated !

Ongoing Pantry Needs
Mac and Cheese Applesauce
Oatmeal Canned Meat
Cereal Vienna Sausage
Breakfest Bars Potted Meat
Pop Tarts Chili
Dry Milk Crackers
Instant Potatoes Ramen Noodles
Soup/Stew Spaghettios
Peanut Butter Ravioli
Canned Fruit Juice Boxes
Canned Beans Baby Food
Beanee Weenee Instant Coffee
PB/Cheese Cracker
Canned Vegetables
Non-Food Items
Deodorant Combs
Soap Coffee Cup
Shampoo Travel Mugs
Toothpaste Toothbrush
FYI: Coffee cups and travel mugs are givinen because they can be used for coffee, oatmeal, cereal and many other uses for someone who has little.
FYI: Juice boxes are put in bags with crayons and Bible lessons for children.